Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mind Control and Propaganda

I found another good article by Devvy Kidd. She says that the mainstream media will be complicit in the next terror attacks. I say that they've already been complicit in all the previous ones. She speaks on the usual media mouthpieces who ridicule and deride anyone who intelligently questions the official 911 attack story. I've spoken at length in previous posts about the glaring flaws and logical inconsistencies regarding the official 911 story, and won't belabor the point here. The bottom line is that the official 911 story has more holes in it than a piece of swiss cheese. If you don't understand this, or worse yet, it shocks you, then you've been a victim of mind control and propaganda. Realize that the most mind controlled individual is the person who most strongly believes that he isn't the victim of it! It literally couldn't work if the subject knew that he was a victim of it!

The importance of this is critical. If they helped to perpetrate the OKC Bombing, the 1993 WTC Bombing, 911-WTC Bombing, and numerous other lies and attacks upon unwitting Americans, what makes you think they aren't going to do it again and again until they obtain the changes in American government and society that they desire to effect? They slowly move society towards the final goal they seek. Gradualism is their greatest weapon because people are highly prone to become accustomed to just about anything. I remember when $1.00/gallon for gas was outrageous. But now, we're pushing $3.75/gallon and higher, and people just go on like nothing has happened. They tell us that inflation is 4%, but readily admit that food and energy (with the highest price increases) are taken out of the calculations. And you calmly think this isn't a result of mind control and distraction???

The average person merely seeks a bit of entertainment and drugs to ease the pain of reality. The unfortunate thing is that the Band-Aids will not solve the growing problems in society, or in our daily lives. The average person can't (or chooses not to) see the connection between the frauds being perpetrated and their effects on our lives. The more apathy I observe in people I know, the more I know that the destruction of America appears to be a done deal. I really want to be wrong about this.

In fact, I may be wrong. Historically, public sentiment can change in an instant. They say that this was how the Weimar Hyperinflation manifested to people that were citizens in Germany at the time. You should read this article on hyperinflation to get a grasp on what could happen in the US and many other countries. From statistics I've been studying, many (if not most) of the G7 countries are massively inflating their currencies. The best thing to do would be to protect yourself from this hidden wealth confiscation by investing in tangible assets that cannot be manipulated (directly) by the financiers.

More to follow...

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