I found another good article by Devvy Kidd. She says that the mainstream media will be complicit in the next terror attacks. I say that they've already been complicit in all the previous ones. She speaks on the usual media mouthpieces who ridicule and deride anyone who intelligently questions the official 911 attack story. I've spoken at length in previous posts about the glaring flaws and logical inconsistencies regarding the official 911 story, and won't belabor the point here. The bottom line is that the official 911 story has more holes in it than a piece of swiss cheese. If you don't understand this, or worse yet, it shocks you, then you've been a victim of mind control and propaganda. Realize that the most mind controlled individual is the person who most strongly believes that he isn't the victim of it! It literally couldn't work if the subject knew that he was a victim of it!
The importance of this is critical. If they helped to perpetrate the OKC Bombing, the 1993 WTC Bombing, 911-WTC Bombing, and numerous other lies and attacks upon unwitting Americans, what makes you think they aren't going to do it again and again until they obtain the changes in American government and society that they desire to effect? They slowly move society towards the final goal they seek. Gradualism is their greatest weapon because people are highly prone to become accustomed to just about anything. I remember when $1.00/gallon for gas was outrageous. But now, we're pushing $3.75/gallon and higher, and people just go on like nothing has happened. They tell us that inflation is 4%, but readily admit that food and energy (with the highest price increases) are taken out of the calculations. And you calmly think this isn't a result of mind control and distraction???
The average person merely seeks a bit of entertainment and drugs to ease the pain of reality. The unfortunate thing is that the Band-Aids will not solve the growing problems in society, or in our daily lives. The average person can't (or chooses not to) see the connection between the frauds being perpetrated and their effects on our lives. The more apathy I observe in people I know, the more I know that the destruction of America appears to be a done deal. I really want to be wrong about this.
In fact, I may be wrong. Historically, public sentiment can change in an instant. They say that this was how the Weimar Hyperinflation manifested to people that were citizens in Germany at the time. You should read this article on hyperinflation to get a grasp on what could happen in the US and many other countries. From statistics I've been studying, many (if not most) of the G7 countries are massively inflating their currencies. The best thing to do would be to protect yourself from this hidden wealth confiscation by investing in tangible assets that cannot be manipulated (directly) by the financiers.
More to follow...
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
"We're Not in Kansas Anymore"
The headlines keep demonstrating to us what we've always known, but were afraid to admit. Present civilization is in a crisis. We can continue with the 'ostrich-buried-head-in-sand' routine, but that's not going to make the problems in society go away. If we don't deal with them, they will deal with us! We will be confronted with the results of our inaction, and they won't be pleasant. Change is always the order of the day, and is the only constant with which we are faced. We can either manage change and possibly profit from it, or we can remain oblivious to it and be forced to deal with whatever changes occur. When change is not managed, it usually injures one much worse than it would have been if we worked for change more in line with beneficial results.
One issue that is related to what we feel is change is the present presidential election facade. Obama, Clinton and McCain are all hand-picked toadies to major corporate interests. There is only illusion of choice so that the comatose masses can go vote and feel like they are in control of things. This is only a sham to keep the peace. In the above referenced article, the author (Devvy Kidd) understands that communism is alive and thriving in America. Contrary to popular opinion, the powers-that-be have conditioned Americans to not only desire communism/communitarianism, but to vehemently demand it. Unfortunately, communism is diametrically opposed to freedom and individual rights. It is a move towards dictatorial power of government(s) over individuals.
The government's only legitimate job is to protect the rights of the people. Governments were instituted BY men and women to protect their rights. Over time, the people lose sight of this, and the people in government become addicted to power and begin to use the cloak of government authority to legitimize their exercise of unauthorized power (called actions under 'color of law' , 'color of authority', etc.). As the people lose understanding of their relationship to government, the power-hungry and corrupt begin to infest government and work together with businesses to gain advantages, and to suppress competition. This has been the case in America, and most other countries. I've spoken on these, and many other similar topics in previous posts. Check the archive to get more in-depth coverage of these topics. We are supposed to believe that those who mention the plutocracy of America are somehow 'conspiracy theorists'. This is just an ad hominem attack on people who don't believe the propaganda that comes from the huge corporate interests that make a fortune by controlling society and profiting from the ignorance of the people. It is much easier to label discerning people as quacks and crackpots than it is to refute the claims that they make. Remember that the ad hominem attack is one of the textbook definitions of a logically flawed argument!
The statistics plainly show that there is an elite that is running society, and that the crises that we're observing in today's world are all being engineered. Their goal is to destroy nations and to consolidate government power over all people. You can see the results. The vast majority of the world is disarmed. Now, most of the people of the world are being subjected to the rationing of food and fuel. This food crisis is being deliberately created to control populations. Travel is strictly controlled. It's almost illegal to have a large sum of money, even if you earned it legally. They do not want you to have any freedom or independence. The noose is tightening around us.
I found another very interesting article that demonstrates that society is at a crossroad. There is a distinct possibility that society is going to collapse, but this is only if we remain on this corporate-created road to destruction. There are options that we have, even though the PTB do not want us to realize them. There are numerous reports of the PTB suppressing 'green' technology and innovations so that they can keep the people beholden to their supply of food and fuel. I have heard of numerous reports of people that could run cars off of water or of engineering cars that could get 100+ miles per gallon. They have also suppressed the miracle hemp plant, which has over 25,000 uses. You should check out the videos on this site and learn more about hemp. It was considered a sacred plant in past civilizations. If we're going to survive these crises, it's not going to be because government helped! The criminal element in government, along with their corporate sponsors, are the ones who are exacerbating the situtation! Don't wait around for help from the government like the Hurricane Katrina victims. The Calvary is NOT coming at the 11th hour. Survival is going to be a 'do-it-yourself' exercise.
One issue that is related to what we feel is change is the present presidential election facade. Obama, Clinton and McCain are all hand-picked toadies to major corporate interests. There is only illusion of choice so that the comatose masses can go vote and feel like they are in control of things. This is only a sham to keep the peace. In the above referenced article, the author (Devvy Kidd) understands that communism is alive and thriving in America. Contrary to popular opinion, the powers-that-be have conditioned Americans to not only desire communism/communitarianism, but to vehemently demand it. Unfortunately, communism is diametrically opposed to freedom and individual rights. It is a move towards dictatorial power of government(s) over individuals.
The government's only legitimate job is to protect the rights of the people. Governments were instituted BY men and women to protect their rights. Over time, the people lose sight of this, and the people in government become addicted to power and begin to use the cloak of government authority to legitimize their exercise of unauthorized power (called actions under 'color of law' , 'color of authority', etc.). As the people lose understanding of their relationship to government, the power-hungry and corrupt begin to infest government and work together with businesses to gain advantages, and to suppress competition. This has been the case in America, and most other countries. I've spoken on these, and many other similar topics in previous posts. Check the archive to get more in-depth coverage of these topics. We are supposed to believe that those who mention the plutocracy of America are somehow 'conspiracy theorists'. This is just an ad hominem attack on people who don't believe the propaganda that comes from the huge corporate interests that make a fortune by controlling society and profiting from the ignorance of the people. It is much easier to label discerning people as quacks and crackpots than it is to refute the claims that they make. Remember that the ad hominem attack is one of the textbook definitions of a logically flawed argument!
The statistics plainly show that there is an elite that is running society, and that the crises that we're observing in today's world are all being engineered. Their goal is to destroy nations and to consolidate government power over all people. You can see the results. The vast majority of the world is disarmed. Now, most of the people of the world are being subjected to the rationing of food and fuel. This food crisis is being deliberately created to control populations. Travel is strictly controlled. It's almost illegal to have a large sum of money, even if you earned it legally. They do not want you to have any freedom or independence. The noose is tightening around us.
I found another very interesting article that demonstrates that society is at a crossroad. There is a distinct possibility that society is going to collapse, but this is only if we remain on this corporate-created road to destruction. There are options that we have, even though the PTB do not want us to realize them. There are numerous reports of the PTB suppressing 'green' technology and innovations so that they can keep the people beholden to their supply of food and fuel. I have heard of numerous reports of people that could run cars off of water or of engineering cars that could get 100+ miles per gallon. They have also suppressed the miracle hemp plant, which has over 25,000 uses. You should check out the videos on this site and learn more about hemp. It was considered a sacred plant in past civilizations. If we're going to survive these crises, it's not going to be because government helped! The criminal element in government, along with their corporate sponsors, are the ones who are exacerbating the situtation! Don't wait around for help from the government like the Hurricane Katrina victims. The Calvary is NOT coming at the 11th hour. Survival is going to be a 'do-it-yourself' exercise.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
More International Hi-Jinks...
I've been reading and watching the landscape, and it's really been laden with activity! I don't really know where to start, but here goes...
I guess that it's kind of obvious, but the United States is being totally spanked in Iraq. In spite of all the lies, spin and propaganda being spouted from the Mainstream Media and the White House, it's very evident that the military strategy in Iraq is a colossal failure IF the intent was to win the war. The whole thing was unwinable from its inception. My intuition tells me that it was a Trojan Horse type of deal that was initiated to decimate the financial and military strength of the United States. Mission Accomplished. Unfortunately, we have people in America (the vast majority) who actually believe that the government is on their side. This is merely an "Urban Legend".
In order to figure out the 'real deal', you have to stop listening to the words from government lackeys and sycophants. The words are used to confuse you and keep you trusting and buying into the system. But the ACTIONS and RESULTS of their policies are the true indicator of what the intent is of these 'leaders' of society. Look at the present state of America. Would you say that America was in better shape 10 years ago, or worse shape? I don't even think that I need to belabor this point, considering the dire circumstances in which we find America today. Job market is dismal at best, banking system is failing, prices for food, energy, and just about everything else are skyrocketing, the US Dollar is sinking faster than the Titanic, our rights are being attacked from every angle, and there seems to be no relief in sight. In spite of the fact that over 80% of people want the US Army out of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Administration has no plans to leave, and are actually talking about starting MORE wars with MORE countries. You can already see and hear them using the same lies they used to start the present wars to start the new wars. America already has over 370,000 (!) casualties from this war!!! Had enough yet?
These government people are serving their corporate masters, and have zero concern about what normal people want or need. The proof of this is plain to see. The agenda they have is not designed to give us what we want, but to give the corporations what they want. The people pushing the Globalization agenda have just about destroyed National Sovereignty for all countries. The Nation Concept has been under attack for a while. In my opinion, it is just a façade that has been hollowed out, and is now being used to keep people from figuring out what is really going on. It's a mental construct that people continue to relate to because they have been conditioned to believe it. The multinational corporations are the new entities with much more power than a national government. This is why there is such a push for globalization and 'free trade zones'. The free trade is for the corporations, not for the people! In fact, the intent was to integrate the entire world and disperse production world-wide so that no nation could support itself without 'international cooperation', which of course is now being orchestrated by these corporations! And this is why the corporation is more powerful than the nation, or any group of nations. Notice how the corporations are free to trade freely, but the travel of the people (in fact, only of Americans!) is being curtailed. Try returning to America from Canada and see how much hassle the Border Cops give you! But you don't get that if you're Mexican coming from Mexico to America!
We are seeing this manifest in the World's Food Crisis. The corporations don't care about whether or not people eat. They care more about profits, fuel, and other things more than they do about feeding people! In the past, a nation's goal was to feed their people. But since the people running things are not in the nations, but in the corporations, they have no profit incentive to feed people when they can make more money from using crops (such as corn and wheat) for biofuels than they can using the crops for food. Zero consideration for driving hundreds of millions of people to growing poverty and starvation.
The only way this is going to stop is if the people demand that it stop! You're definitely not going to stop it by voting for McINane, Hitlery or Osama Obama! They are merely corporate shills. Don't expect much to change if these political risers get elected (or installed). The status quo and 'business as usual' will only guarantee more pain and death for average Americans. In fact, the course has already been set for America to experience a high level of pain. The question is whether or not the country will survive. I'm not playing with this question. This country is heading straight for a war against the world. Germany also thought they could defeat and conquer the entire planet...
I guess that it's kind of obvious, but the United States is being totally spanked in Iraq. In spite of all the lies, spin and propaganda being spouted from the Mainstream Media and the White House, it's very evident that the military strategy in Iraq is a colossal failure IF the intent was to win the war. The whole thing was unwinable from its inception. My intuition tells me that it was a Trojan Horse type of deal that was initiated to decimate the financial and military strength of the United States. Mission Accomplished. Unfortunately, we have people in America (the vast majority) who actually believe that the government is on their side. This is merely an "Urban Legend".
In order to figure out the 'real deal', you have to stop listening to the words from government lackeys and sycophants. The words are used to confuse you and keep you trusting and buying into the system. But the ACTIONS and RESULTS of their policies are the true indicator of what the intent is of these 'leaders' of society. Look at the present state of America. Would you say that America was in better shape 10 years ago, or worse shape? I don't even think that I need to belabor this point, considering the dire circumstances in which we find America today. Job market is dismal at best, banking system is failing, prices for food, energy, and just about everything else are skyrocketing, the US Dollar is sinking faster than the Titanic, our rights are being attacked from every angle, and there seems to be no relief in sight. In spite of the fact that over 80% of people want the US Army out of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Administration has no plans to leave, and are actually talking about starting MORE wars with MORE countries. You can already see and hear them using the same lies they used to start the present wars to start the new wars. America already has over 370,000 (!) casualties from this war!!! Had enough yet?
These government people are serving their corporate masters, and have zero concern about what normal people want or need. The proof of this is plain to see. The agenda they have is not designed to give us what we want, but to give the corporations what they want. The people pushing the Globalization agenda have just about destroyed National Sovereignty for all countries. The Nation Concept has been under attack for a while. In my opinion, it is just a façade that has been hollowed out, and is now being used to keep people from figuring out what is really going on. It's a mental construct that people continue to relate to because they have been conditioned to believe it. The multinational corporations are the new entities with much more power than a national government. This is why there is such a push for globalization and 'free trade zones'. The free trade is for the corporations, not for the people! In fact, the intent was to integrate the entire world and disperse production world-wide so that no nation could support itself without 'international cooperation', which of course is now being orchestrated by these corporations! And this is why the corporation is more powerful than the nation, or any group of nations. Notice how the corporations are free to trade freely, but the travel of the people (in fact, only of Americans!) is being curtailed. Try returning to America from Canada and see how much hassle the Border Cops give you! But you don't get that if you're Mexican coming from Mexico to America!
We are seeing this manifest in the World's Food Crisis. The corporations don't care about whether or not people eat. They care more about profits, fuel, and other things more than they do about feeding people! In the past, a nation's goal was to feed their people. But since the people running things are not in the nations, but in the corporations, they have no profit incentive to feed people when they can make more money from using crops (such as corn and wheat) for biofuels than they can using the crops for food. Zero consideration for driving hundreds of millions of people to growing poverty and starvation.
The only way this is going to stop is if the people demand that it stop! You're definitely not going to stop it by voting for McINane, Hitlery or Osama Obama! They are merely corporate shills. Don't expect much to change if these political risers get elected (or installed). The status quo and 'business as usual' will only guarantee more pain and death for average Americans. In fact, the course has already been set for America to experience a high level of pain. The question is whether or not the country will survive. I'm not playing with this question. This country is heading straight for a war against the world. Germany also thought they could defeat and conquer the entire planet...
food crisis,
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