Sunday, February 24, 2008
The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
I also found an article that deals with the corrupt mass media and pseudo-news. I'm sure that I've addressed the propaganda that passes for news in the mass media in previous posts that I've made to this blog, but this article seemed to be a very relevant work on this topic. In short, the people that run the media are only interested in supplying information that will give its viewers the world view/paradigm that will support and recreate the status quo. They want to do your thinking for you, and for you to let the experts handle everything in society. They want you to stay asleep, and not question what they do to society.
The above article is designed as a wake-up call to those who sleepwalk through life, content to trust society's leaders with their lives. It really is that serious when you see all of the changes being made to society. They are making drastic changes to all areas of life, putting toxins in the food chain, destroying the US economy, eradicating US sovereignty, reversing the rights of people, increasing the surveillance on people, and other numerous intrusions upon our freedom. We owe it to our children to work and fight for freedom because of government's incessant push for domination and subjugation over the individual. If one person does not have the right to enslave another, then it logically follows that a group of people (the given reason for the justification of government and the excuse given for the power of government to regulate individuals) does not have that right either!
There is one more topic that I thought was relevant to current developments that aren't being widely discussed in the mainstream media. There are a few articles of interest that I found dealing with the 'financial tsunami' in which we currently find ourselves engulfed. One article was written by a long-time market analyst that basically says that the US credit markets are collapsing. The bond market is failing fast with the major bond companies experiencing a major crisis. In short, this is a systemic crisis that is bigger than just one market segment. The discontinuities are manifesting in just about all market segments. This article also has some audio that you will find interesting.
This article has an interview with an economist and banker from Tehran and his observations on the US economy. In short, the Dollar Empire is in terminal crisis. The problems with the US Economy are much deeper than merely the subprime mortgages. The value of the US Dollar is plummeting as well. A lot of this has to do with the trade imbalances and the export of the manufacturing base. This article also speaks to some of the history of how we got into this financial mess. It contains some very good information.
The last article I recommend for your reading pleasure deals with protocols for economic collapse that the 'powers-that-be' have in place. They seem to be excellent planners who are always looking to be ready for that 'worst-case scenario', even if the mind-controlled citizens only think of blue sky days. Most people have no idea of the effect economic collapse would have on everyday life. It would behoove you to start thinking worst-case scenarios out and starting to prepare for them. Don't be like naive people in New Orleans who thought the government was going to come to their rescue! Remember that nobody cares as much for your welfare as YOU do! Don't let yourself and your loved ones down by being oblivious to this information. Preparation is not as difficult as you think. Don't be a mind-controlled drone. Get into action and spread the word about this information. We won't be able to make it alone. It's going to take teamwork.
Friday, February 22, 2008
I'm Back!
decided to get back into the 'swing' of things and to start back writing
again! Hopefully, you will enjoy what I'm bringing back and the issues
I'll be addressing.
I haven't stopped reading. In fact, I'm sure that I've been reading more
than ever. As usual, there is no shortage of issues to inform you of in
this modern age of rapid change. But I have made a few changes in my
I don't want to appear to be a pessimist, even though we are
experiencing a 'correction' in the financial arena in America. Let's
not kid ourselves: we in America have been living very affluent
lifestyles! Unfortunately, the last 10-15 years have been financed on
credit. We all know that we 'reap what we sow', so it stands to reason
that the bubbles that were used to finance our crazy purchases must
deflate eventually. We will survive, although it probably won't be as
pleasant as the environment to which we've been accustomed. Is that
pessimism, or is it realism? I've heard it said that fortunes are much
more easy to build during down financial times than in good financial
times. Also, you can live off of a lot less in down financial times
than in better financial times! I guess that it's all a matter of
In any event, I'll be working to provide a more balanced perspective on
things in the future. I hope that you can find value in them...