Chossudovsky wrote an excellent book entitled America's War on Terrorism. It provides important information on the dynamics of the bogus War on Terrorism and the way it works. I didn't read the entire book, but I've found an important summary of the book. It is very hard-hitting, mainly because the book is thoroughly researched with footnotes & references to everything being said.
The book is NOT speculation based on opinion. He demonstrates how the official story of 911-WTC attacks can not be true, and proves that the reasons and picture we are being fed by the mass media are contrived to give the people a false picture. I'm not sure how much justice I can do to the article myself here, but I have covered much, if not most of the issues and topics that Chossudovsky covers in his book. It just takes a discerning, questioning spirit to deduce and infer that the official story being spoonfed to most people is based in illusion and deception. My view is that if we are being fed lies by mass media, there is a reason for it. The reason has to be the concealment of the truth for the detriment of those who view and believe the material as given. There is no other logical conclusion. Nobody lies to benefit others. The lie is always to the detriment of the victim being deceived.
I did notice that Chossudovsky mentions that the corporations, banks, governments, etc., are all the beneficiaries of these lies being foisted upon the people, but I beg to differ in a technical point. I contend that corporations, banks, governments, Wall Street and financial interests, the Military-Industrial Complex, etc., are all fictional entities that are used to conceal the identities of those individuals who are the true actors and designers of these events! They're just imaginary constructs that we've been indoctrinated and conditioned to believe exist. This may sound bizarre, but only because we've been trained to think of these imaginary creations as being concrete and tangible. If you sit down and think about it, you'll realize that a corporation is created on a piece of paper called 'Articles of Incorporation'. A government is created on a piece of paper called a 'Charter' or a 'Constitution'. The government or corporation cannot do anything! The real live flesh & blood people who hide behind the 'corporate veil' are the ones who perform all of the actions attributed to these organizations.
I must agree with Chossudovsky's view on things. I've independently researched the status quo and how we've been indoctrinated, as well as thought and reflected upon many things related to these topics, and I must say that he is right on the money. The only thing that I haven't seen him refer to (which I see that most researchers fail to mention) is the power and capacity of the Vatican and it's involvement in these matters. It seems to be a blind spot of most researchers.
I don't agree with everything at this web site, but I've never been one to discount everything that a person says just because I do not agree with some things that they may say. I believe that nobody is all wrong, nor is anybody completely correct in everything that they may say. But I do know that truth can be found from anywhere. Nobody has a patent on the truth! I also know that the more research that you do, the closer you get to understanding the Big Picture. Understanding the Big Picture usually allows you to understand events in some sort of context that makes sense. Most people do not have this bird's eye perspective on subjects, or on society. This lack of perspective and understanding on a deep level is what makes is possible for mass media sources to control the minds of men who believe and trust the information being disseminated through these methods.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
The Reason You Don't Like to Read or Study
I've been exposed to many people throughout life, and I must say that the vast majority of people (over 90%) seem to have a decided aversion to reading and/or studying. In fact, most do not wish to expend ANY effort on thinking, reasoning or any other similar activity. I've noticed this in people ranging from high school dropouts to Ph.D.'s, and every level in between. I've often wondered why this is the case because in my humble opinion, learning is as vital to life as breathing and drinking water. In my experience, the mind becomes stagnant, septic and highly susceptible to mind control programming and techniques when it is not often and regularly refreshed by the introduction of new thoughts, ideas, concepts and facts.
In my study of the educational system (as well as my personal experience with it), I've learned that the design of educational strategy and the method of teaching both leave a lot to be desired. The system was designed around the early 1900's, and this basic approach remains unchanged. I've found that this approach is decidedly antiquated and totally out of touch with modern reality. The goal is NOT to teach a child (or any other student, for that matter) to be able to think and/or reason with any semblance of accuracy. The goal is to create a compliant public citizen who will:
1. Preserve the status quo,
2. Recreate the status quo by their compliant behavior,
3. Never question authority,
4. Never think 'outside of the box',
5. Never do any independent thinking,
6. Never question the unspoken motives of those who design and control society,
7. Think of people who think outside of societally-defined constraints on conceptual horizons as being: weird, strange, "Conspiracy Theorists", crazy, wacko, stupid, etc.
8. Believe what they are told by mass media outlets without independent critical analysis,
9. Believe what they are taught in school without question or critical analysis,
10. Have a great aversion to learning, reading, thinking, reasoning, etc.,
11. Think that entertainment and recreation are the only worthy pursuits in life,
12. Believe that the events in history all happened by chance and not by design,
13. Look to external authority figures for guidance in virtually all matters,
14. Become child-like in their approach (i.e., the shirking of individual responsibility) to life,
15. Be easily manipulated by mass media influences.
I could go on, but I think that I've made my point. If you don't believe this, all you have to do is watch an episode of any of the current talk-shows or Judge 'Slap-em' shows to witness children in adult's bodies freely parading their ignorance on national television. If you can truly understand these shows, you can tell that America has already been destroyed from within due to the people no longer having the ability or intelligence to maintain any semblance of freedom. Freedom requires high intelligence, courage, personal responsibility, critical thinking skills, and eternal vigilance. These qualities appear to be in very short supply in this era.
Ok, I'm done with my soliquy. Now I'll share a good article that I've found in which the author speaks on a few of these points. It's a good read. Hopefully, people will find the courage and personal strength to overcome the social programming that creates an aversion to learning and study. An ignorant people are very easy to control, manipulate and subjugate. How intelligent can American society be when one of the biggest shows is "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader"? Think about it if you still have some reasoning power left inside your mind..
In my study of the educational system (as well as my personal experience with it), I've learned that the design of educational strategy and the method of teaching both leave a lot to be desired. The system was designed around the early 1900's, and this basic approach remains unchanged. I've found that this approach is decidedly antiquated and totally out of touch with modern reality. The goal is NOT to teach a child (or any other student, for that matter) to be able to think and/or reason with any semblance of accuracy. The goal is to create a compliant public citizen who will:
1. Preserve the status quo,
2. Recreate the status quo by their compliant behavior,
3. Never question authority,
4. Never think 'outside of the box',
5. Never do any independent thinking,
6. Never question the unspoken motives of those who design and control society,
7. Think of people who think outside of societally-defined constraints on conceptual horizons as being: weird, strange, "Conspiracy Theorists", crazy, wacko, stupid, etc.
8. Believe what they are told by mass media outlets without independent critical analysis,
9. Believe what they are taught in school without question or critical analysis,
10. Have a great aversion to learning, reading, thinking, reasoning, etc.,
11. Think that entertainment and recreation are the only worthy pursuits in life,
12. Believe that the events in history all happened by chance and not by design,
13. Look to external authority figures for guidance in virtually all matters,
14. Become child-like in their approach (i.e., the shirking of individual responsibility) to life,
15. Be easily manipulated by mass media influences.
I could go on, but I think that I've made my point. If you don't believe this, all you have to do is watch an episode of any of the current talk-shows or Judge 'Slap-em' shows to witness children in adult's bodies freely parading their ignorance on national television. If you can truly understand these shows, you can tell that America has already been destroyed from within due to the people no longer having the ability or intelligence to maintain any semblance of freedom. Freedom requires high intelligence, courage, personal responsibility, critical thinking skills, and eternal vigilance. These qualities appear to be in very short supply in this era.
Ok, I'm done with my soliquy. Now I'll share a good article that I've found in which the author speaks on a few of these points. It's a good read. Hopefully, people will find the courage and personal strength to overcome the social programming that creates an aversion to learning and study. An ignorant people are very easy to control, manipulate and subjugate. How intelligent can American society be when one of the biggest shows is "Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader"? Think about it if you still have some reasoning power left inside your mind..
mind control,
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Soviet Expert Comes Clean
I found an amazing video on, and it is an eye-opener. The Soviet Defector here gives the true dire state of America. It is very sobering, but only if you aren't a victim of the mind-control/mind conditioning tactics that have been unleashed on Americans for the last 50+ years. In fact, the guy even tells us that people who have been victims of the mind conditioning can NOT learn the truth, even when given to them with undeniable, verifiable truth!!! The saddest thing is that he is correct. You only have to watch and think about the state of affairs in America, and the truth of the situation will slap you in the face. I watched this, and I sadly had to agree with his assessment of the condition of America. It's not a mystery or hidden. You might even say that it is hidden in plain view, which is always the best place to hide somebody because it is too obvious for the average person to accept. I will also post here the next portion of the video interview. In fact, I will put more links to parts of this man's opinions on what we are observing today in America. Bezmenov on the Soviet System; Bezmenov on Marxists and useful idiots; Bezmenov on KGB interest in Yoga and brainwashing. You really need to see and hear what this man says!
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Latest Commentaries
I've been busy stuffing my mind with critical commercial information. Just here to recommend some more articles for you to peruse and study to your heart's content.
The first article is about the top 5 myths about America. We who live here have been living under the glory of years' passed. It's hard to notice change in the country in which you live when it occurs gradually. In this same manner, we sometimes look to our children with surprise when we finally notice that they aren't babies anymore, but are young adults. But sometimes it helps your sense of perspective when you stop and try to take an objective look at your country and how things have changed. It's easy to go along with the common notion that 'My country is #1!' But this article demonstrates that we're NOT as high on the rankings list as the propaganda and mass media circus would have us believe.
The second article discusses the circumstances that led to the 1929 Great Depression. The author, a historian by training, gives a conceptual opinion article about the similarities between the days and years before the Great Depression and the era of the 1980's and 1990's. You will notice that the period comprising the last 20 years has an eerie similarity to the period before the Great Depression. Great emphasis on spending and consumption, erosion of the value of the currency/money/spendable media, a general deterioration of the moral condition of the people and its officials, the inflation rampant in the economy, etc. I could go on, but I'll let you read what the professional historian has to say about the matter.
The third article is not long, but contains a lot of links to Google Videos that demonstrate a lot of what I've been talking about for a long time. I'm not the only person who can see this stuff happening! This is no time to be lethargically sleepwalking through life! As I read in a book before, "success is what happens when preparation and opportunity meet." To successfully navigate your life through these trying times, it will require fast, original, revolutionary thinking processes. You can't think 'outside the box' when you worship the box and the things inside of it! Expand your mind and powers of perception outside of the minature mental pasture that has been constructed for your mind to be enclosed within! You feel no need or powerful desire to learn or step outside of your perceptual prisons because of the incessant mind control techniques to which you have been subjected for virtually all of your life. The longest journey begins with the first step. Take that step now to get yourself free again.
The final article that I'll recommend to you deals with the fluoride issue. It's definitely one of my pet peeves. Even though some idiot communities have chosen to put fluoride into their drinking water systems, I can't believe that they did that! The most critical part of the article is the last paragraph. For the life of me, I can't figure out how people can actually be induced to BEG for industrial waste to be placed into their toothpaste and drinking water supplies! It is common knowledge (in the professional community) that the 'fluoride' placed in the drinking water and toothpaste is none other than fluorosilic acid that is a byproduct of phosphate fertilizer manufacture. How pharmaceutical does that sound? To those who believe that they are not the victims of mind control: how do you explain that you actually believe and support the addition of industrial waste to your drinking water and toothpaste? Would you use WD-40 to brush your teeth with as well? How about drinking water from the toilet? Think about this deeply.
The first article is about the top 5 myths about America. We who live here have been living under the glory of years' passed. It's hard to notice change in the country in which you live when it occurs gradually. In this same manner, we sometimes look to our children with surprise when we finally notice that they aren't babies anymore, but are young adults. But sometimes it helps your sense of perspective when you stop and try to take an objective look at your country and how things have changed. It's easy to go along with the common notion that 'My country is #1!' But this article demonstrates that we're NOT as high on the rankings list as the propaganda and mass media circus would have us believe.
The second article discusses the circumstances that led to the 1929 Great Depression. The author, a historian by training, gives a conceptual opinion article about the similarities between the days and years before the Great Depression and the era of the 1980's and 1990's. You will notice that the period comprising the last 20 years has an eerie similarity to the period before the Great Depression. Great emphasis on spending and consumption, erosion of the value of the currency/money/spendable media, a general deterioration of the moral condition of the people and its officials, the inflation rampant in the economy, etc. I could go on, but I'll let you read what the professional historian has to say about the matter.
The third article is not long, but contains a lot of links to Google Videos that demonstrate a lot of what I've been talking about for a long time. I'm not the only person who can see this stuff happening! This is no time to be lethargically sleepwalking through life! As I read in a book before, "success is what happens when preparation and opportunity meet." To successfully navigate your life through these trying times, it will require fast, original, revolutionary thinking processes. You can't think 'outside the box' when you worship the box and the things inside of it! Expand your mind and powers of perception outside of the minature mental pasture that has been constructed for your mind to be enclosed within! You feel no need or powerful desire to learn or step outside of your perceptual prisons because of the incessant mind control techniques to which you have been subjected for virtually all of your life. The longest journey begins with the first step. Take that step now to get yourself free again.
The final article that I'll recommend to you deals with the fluoride issue. It's definitely one of my pet peeves. Even though some idiot communities have chosen to put fluoride into their drinking water systems, I can't believe that they did that! The most critical part of the article is the last paragraph. For the life of me, I can't figure out how people can actually be induced to BEG for industrial waste to be placed into their toothpaste and drinking water supplies! It is common knowledge (in the professional community) that the 'fluoride' placed in the drinking water and toothpaste is none other than fluorosilic acid that is a byproduct of phosphate fertilizer manufacture. How pharmaceutical does that sound? To those who believe that they are not the victims of mind control: how do you explain that you actually believe and support the addition of industrial waste to your drinking water and toothpaste? Would you use WD-40 to brush your teeth with as well? How about drinking water from the toilet? Think about this deeply.
Great Depression,
mind control,
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