Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Media Social Engineering Apparatus

It would appear that I'm not the only one out here who has done some research and analysis on the current condition of the media and those who utilize it for social engineering purposes. I found an excellent article that discusses this topic in a very coherent, thoughtful, honest manner. The author actually covers how the alleged 'right wing' media movement uses fallacious logic, innuendo, faulty assumptions, condescending treatment of opponents, and other logical and tactical shortcomings. Even though this information is good and true, the most important element in the article is the part that discusses the incessant push and efforts of those who control the mass media to manipulate and control the population.

This control of the population appears to be the ultimate goal of the 'powers-that-be'. They have been working at it incessantly, and it would appear that they have succeeded beyond their wildest imagination. I guess that you could call this the 'Nanny Society' because the majority of people do not question the ubiquity of government intervention in their lives. In short, we have been conditioned to uncritically accept 'government as parent' for us all, regardless of age. It can go without saying that we have been conditioned to think this way, because it wasn't always like this. People used to be much more independent in their lives. In addition to that, the population has been dumbed down so much that it is probably necessary that most of them have some sort of 'adult supervision' of their behavior. Many people have been stunted in their intellectual and spiritual development to the point where they are dangerous to others, as well as to themselves. This is no accident. It could be said that this would actually play into the hands of tyrants and their government vassals because it could be argued that 'government nannies' are necessary. But it would appear to me that it is in their interest to magnify and stimulate massive dysfunctionality in the population, thereby ensuring that a steady (or even growing) supply of 'government nannies' would be necessary. And from my observations and life experience, government power seems to always expand. I can't remember ever hearing any government bureaucrat attempt to reduce his power, influence, budget, or personnel. They are always working to expand their power, influence, budget and personnel.

What is even more alarming is the removal of true education from schooling. We are beginning to witness the results on society of removing critical thinking and reasoning skills from the education of our children. Now, shallow euphemisms and meaningless platitudes pass for intelligent reasoning and critical analysis. Most people today parrot whatever they hear on television and think that they are well-informed on current events. Nothing could be further from the truth! It is a dire situation because we are rapidly approaching the point where society will not be able to be sustained with any type of continuity. The backbone of America has been destroyed, and that is the moral content of the country. Once this has been destroyed, the rest of the decline of this country is already a fait accompli, except for the actual announcement of the event. I'm not sure if it would ever be announced though. It will merely result in a permanently reduced standard of living for Americans, as has been orchestrated in every other country around the world. The entire world has now been converted into a feudal slave camp.

Another testament to the ineffectiveness of the voting process and/or the wishes of the people allegedly 'represented' by the government is the fact that Bush has announced that he is escalating the troop levels in Iraq despite the fact that: 1) the people of America do not want more war in Iraq, and actually want US troop out of there; and 2) the results of the latest election in which the Republicans lost a multitude of seats in Congress due to their displeasure with Bush, demonstrates that the government does not represent the People. The worst part of the situation is that people will continue to support this political process even though the sentiments of the People do not have any influence on US policy, domestic or foreign. But as long as people continue to follow along like lemmings, nothing will change.

The first step towards changing this is for you to wake up and get a grip on reality. Question everything and use your mind for critical analysis.

The second step is for you to find like-minded people and network with them. Let's face it--if someone is hopelessly enslaved to the media misinformation, they will have to come to their own realization of that fact. The old adage comes to mind: "A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." In short, you can't force people to wake up if they don't want to come out of their somnambulism...

More information coming....

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