I came across a great article that describes what I have come to understand about the Health Care Industry here in America. The bottom line is that they have been inventing diseases and lowering the numbers that determine when someone is at risk for disease. Unfortunately, the medical care professionals in this country are paid more when people become sick, and they make no money when people are well. This provides a powerful incentive for health care professionals to treat diseases and to increase the disease rate.
Whether this is done consciously, subconsciously, or ignorantly, the result is the same for the patient--a round of pharmaceutical drugs and/or expensive (and often painful and dangerous) high-tech treatments. Most of these 'treatments' usually lead the patient down the pharmaceutical and treatment downward spiral. The patient's health usually continues on a gradual downward spiral that eventually culminates with a painful death.
The simple lesson to be learned is that YOU are the person who cares the most about your own health. Others simply cannot be trusted unless they can demonstrate to you that they are open-minded enough to seek alternatives to pharmaceutical or allopathic approaches to disease abatement. Your very life could be at stake. I would recommend that you begin to study health, disease, and alternative treatment methods. I'm not saying that all alternative treatment methods fail to work, but I am saying that the allopathic (M.D.) paradigm is not well suited for all diseases. Allopathic philosophy is excellent for emergency and trauma medicine, but is totally crappy for systemic diseases, degenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer treatment.
Even if you don't do any research on your own, at least become a knowledgable patient. Remember--NOBODY is going to feel as strongly about the quality of your health as you do! Nor is anyone going to be more affected by any health care treatments that you decide to undergo than you. It's up to YOU to insure that you are receiving the best treatment that you can get. The doctor and/or hospital can always get another patient, but you can't get another life!
P.S.: Be sure to check out the links in the article because they will lead you to a lot more in-depth information on some of the concepts that I've presented in this article.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Some Information on Suppressed Economics
I'm going to share some articles that deal with macroeconomics and how it interfaces with precious metals/hard assets and the larger investment markets. I won't write my own dissertation, but I will share a bit of commentary and offer some excellent articles that I've found (as usual). I haven't done my normal reading and research on the investment and precious metals lately, but something brought me back to these topics because they are critical if you want to have an understanding of what is really going on in the investment and financial arenas. I found the articles on the Gold Eagle articles web site. It's a site that's mostly for serious investors and academics interested in a different take on the financial world from what is offered on CNBC and other mainstream sources. They usually add articles/editorials from prominent people in the investment and financial arenas, so you may want to bookmark the above link and visit it regularly. You'll catch on to some of the technical jargon if you just look up the words that you don't understand. If you need an explanation, leave me a message or write the author.
Well, the first article is entitled Toilet Paper is Worth More Than USD's. I loved that title, even though it isn't good news for Americans. The basic premise is one that I've been trumpeting for a while. The US Dollar (USD) is being systematically destroyed by the US government. Policies that have been implemented by presidents and governments since LBJ (or even earlier) have all engineered these events. Public policy was implemented that strongly rewarded companies that utilized debt financing in relation to companies that used equity financing for capital investment. It used to be that corporations would use what was termed retained earnings to finance capital expenditures. The term retained earnings is just an MBA way to say savings from profits. But the bankers found that they couldn't earn interest on that, so they had the government agents change the laws to make it extremely unprofitable for corporations/companies to use the savings from operations. Now, virtually all corporations are indebted to (if not actually owned de facto by) the banks. This puts all corporations under the control of the bankers since the creditor is superior in authority to the debtor.
The article in question is brief, but the author gives out a lot of pertinent information on the USD, precious metals, and some of the dynamics of world finance and economics. He doesn't get too deep with the technical language of finance, but imparts the necessary information for laypeople on these issues. I don't claim that you will have a total understanding of finance from the article, but you will have a better understanding of it. Remember that the specialists in topics get paid by confusing laypeople so that they believe that they can't understand the concepts. But economics and finance are issues that ALL people should understand because these are the things that will affect every area of the lives of everyone, whether or not they are active in the financial markets.
The next article speaks more on topics regarding our understanding of the coming credit collapse and the study of monetary issues. We must understand that paper money (a misnomer/oxymoron) is relatively new on the scene in reference to the things that have been used as financial media (i.e., money). As much as I support the gold standard, it probably would not work (in its pure form) due to issues addressed in this article. But this article does give a lot of information that will greatly assist you in your understanding of monetary issues. It is longer than the first article, but I think that you will find it invaluable in increasing your financial intelligence. The author (a professor of science and applied mathematics) also gives an excellent explanation of how the use and function of bonds has been altered so that bonds are now financial instruments that are being used to steal from producers AND savers. This is a very interesting development that turns most mainstream financial theory on its head. I'll leave the rest of the article for you to discover at your leisure.
I'll go over the last 2 articles together as they are both covering similar topics. I found this article to be very succinct and direct. It is a quick, short read. The author gives his honest opinion about the future of the dollar, and the facts all point to the conclusion that there is simply NO WAY that there will not be a significant devaluation of the USD. The fact of the matter is that the USD (as are all other paper currencies on the planet) are all debt instruments. Go retrieve one of those things you call a dollar or currency out of your pocket and read what it says on the very top. It says 'Federal Reserve Note'. I just went to dictionary.com, and it defines a note as: "a paper acknowledging a debt and promising payment." The other pertinent definition states: "a certificate, as of a government or a bank, accepted as money." Notice that neither definition stated that a note is an asset, nor did it actually say that it was money! All this note business notwithstanding, the budget deficits and the trade deficits are wreaking havoc with the US economy, and unfortunately, we are in the terminal stages of the decline and failure of the USD. Just make sure that you understand that those 'talking heads' that you know and love on the television are paid six- and seven-figure salaries to keep you from learning the facts that are being presented in this information that I'm sharing with you! So if/when you wonder or think, "The financial experts on television don't say these things", just know that they are paid not to give out this type of information, even if they know the truth of this material that I'm introducing to you. They'll NEVER level with you!
So read closely, and make sure that you read with an open mind. Don't think of the information as being scary or pessimistic. The part that would be sad is if you had no idea of what the future holds for the financial condition of America, and the world. Would you rather have your head continue to be filled with lies, misconceptions and other drivel? There is power in the truth. The only way that you can prepare for the future is to have an accurate, complete understanding of things. The truth is liberating because it enables you to make effective plans for the future. If you don't know what's really going on in the world, how could you ever make any plans that work? Remember, your family, children and friends (and their future) are depending on you...
Well, the first article is entitled Toilet Paper is Worth More Than USD's. I loved that title, even though it isn't good news for Americans. The basic premise is one that I've been trumpeting for a while. The US Dollar (USD) is being systematically destroyed by the US government. Policies that have been implemented by presidents and governments since LBJ (or even earlier) have all engineered these events. Public policy was implemented that strongly rewarded companies that utilized debt financing in relation to companies that used equity financing for capital investment. It used to be that corporations would use what was termed retained earnings to finance capital expenditures. The term retained earnings is just an MBA way to say savings from profits. But the bankers found that they couldn't earn interest on that, so they had the government agents change the laws to make it extremely unprofitable for corporations/companies to use the savings from operations. Now, virtually all corporations are indebted to (if not actually owned de facto by) the banks. This puts all corporations under the control of the bankers since the creditor is superior in authority to the debtor.
The article in question is brief, but the author gives out a lot of pertinent information on the USD, precious metals, and some of the dynamics of world finance and economics. He doesn't get too deep with the technical language of finance, but imparts the necessary information for laypeople on these issues. I don't claim that you will have a total understanding of finance from the article, but you will have a better understanding of it. Remember that the specialists in topics get paid by confusing laypeople so that they believe that they can't understand the concepts. But economics and finance are issues that ALL people should understand because these are the things that will affect every area of the lives of everyone, whether or not they are active in the financial markets.
The next article speaks more on topics regarding our understanding of the coming credit collapse and the study of monetary issues. We must understand that paper money (a misnomer/oxymoron) is relatively new on the scene in reference to the things that have been used as financial media (i.e., money). As much as I support the gold standard, it probably would not work (in its pure form) due to issues addressed in this article. But this article does give a lot of information that will greatly assist you in your understanding of monetary issues. It is longer than the first article, but I think that you will find it invaluable in increasing your financial intelligence. The author (a professor of science and applied mathematics) also gives an excellent explanation of how the use and function of bonds has been altered so that bonds are now financial instruments that are being used to steal from producers AND savers. This is a very interesting development that turns most mainstream financial theory on its head. I'll leave the rest of the article for you to discover at your leisure.
I'll go over the last 2 articles together as they are both covering similar topics. I found this article to be very succinct and direct. It is a quick, short read. The author gives his honest opinion about the future of the dollar, and the facts all point to the conclusion that there is simply NO WAY that there will not be a significant devaluation of the USD. The fact of the matter is that the USD (as are all other paper currencies on the planet) are all debt instruments. Go retrieve one of those things you call a dollar or currency out of your pocket and read what it says on the very top. It says 'Federal Reserve Note'. I just went to dictionary.com, and it defines a note as: "a paper acknowledging a debt and promising payment." The other pertinent definition states: "a certificate, as of a government or a bank, accepted as money." Notice that neither definition stated that a note is an asset, nor did it actually say that it was money! All this note business notwithstanding, the budget deficits and the trade deficits are wreaking havoc with the US economy, and unfortunately, we are in the terminal stages of the decline and failure of the USD. Just make sure that you understand that those 'talking heads' that you know and love on the television are paid six- and seven-figure salaries to keep you from learning the facts that are being presented in this information that I'm sharing with you! So if/when you wonder or think, "The financial experts on television don't say these things", just know that they are paid not to give out this type of information, even if they know the truth of this material that I'm introducing to you. They'll NEVER level with you!
So read closely, and make sure that you read with an open mind. Don't think of the information as being scary or pessimistic. The part that would be sad is if you had no idea of what the future holds for the financial condition of America, and the world. Would you rather have your head continue to be filled with lies, misconceptions and other drivel? There is power in the truth. The only way that you can prepare for the future is to have an accurate, complete understanding of things. The truth is liberating because it enables you to make effective plans for the future. If you don't know what's really going on in the world, how could you ever make any plans that work? Remember, your family, children and friends (and their future) are depending on you...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Media Social Engineering Apparatus
It would appear that I'm not the only one out here who has done some research and analysis on the current condition of the media and those who utilize it for social engineering purposes. I found an excellent article that discusses this topic in a very coherent, thoughtful, honest manner. The author actually covers how the alleged 'right wing' media movement uses fallacious logic, innuendo, faulty assumptions, condescending treatment of opponents, and other logical and tactical shortcomings. Even though this information is good and true, the most important element in the article is the part that discusses the incessant push and efforts of those who control the mass media to manipulate and control the population.
This control of the population appears to be the ultimate goal of the 'powers-that-be'. They have been working at it incessantly, and it would appear that they have succeeded beyond their wildest imagination. I guess that you could call this the 'Nanny Society' because the majority of people do not question the ubiquity of government intervention in their lives. In short, we have been conditioned to uncritically accept 'government as parent' for us all, regardless of age. It can go without saying that we have been conditioned to think this way, because it wasn't always like this. People used to be much more independent in their lives. In addition to that, the population has been dumbed down so much that it is probably necessary that most of them have some sort of 'adult supervision' of their behavior. Many people have been stunted in their intellectual and spiritual development to the point where they are dangerous to others, as well as to themselves. This is no accident. It could be said that this would actually play into the hands of tyrants and their government vassals because it could be argued that 'government nannies' are necessary. But it would appear to me that it is in their interest to magnify and stimulate massive dysfunctionality in the population, thereby ensuring that a steady (or even growing) supply of 'government nannies' would be necessary. And from my observations and life experience, government power seems to always expand. I can't remember ever hearing any government bureaucrat attempt to reduce his power, influence, budget, or personnel. They are always working to expand their power, influence, budget and personnel.
What is even more alarming is the removal of true education from schooling. We are beginning to witness the results on society of removing critical thinking and reasoning skills from the education of our children. Now, shallow euphemisms and meaningless platitudes pass for intelligent reasoning and critical analysis. Most people today parrot whatever they hear on television and think that they are well-informed on current events. Nothing could be further from the truth! It is a dire situation because we are rapidly approaching the point where society will not be able to be sustained with any type of continuity. The backbone of America has been destroyed, and that is the moral content of the country. Once this has been destroyed, the rest of the decline of this country is already a fait accompli, except for the actual announcement of the event. I'm not sure if it would ever be announced though. It will merely result in a permanently reduced standard of living for Americans, as has been orchestrated in every other country around the world. The entire world has now been converted into a feudal slave camp.
Another testament to the ineffectiveness of the voting process and/or the wishes of the people allegedly 'represented' by the government is the fact that Bush has announced that he is escalating the troop levels in Iraq despite the fact that: 1) the people of America do not want more war in Iraq, and actually want US troop out of there; and 2) the results of the latest election in which the Republicans lost a multitude of seats in Congress due to their displeasure with Bush, demonstrates that the government does not represent the People. The worst part of the situation is that people will continue to support this political process even though the sentiments of the People do not have any influence on US policy, domestic or foreign. But as long as people continue to follow along like lemmings, nothing will change.
The first step towards changing this is for you to wake up and get a grip on reality. Question everything and use your mind for critical analysis.
The second step is for you to find like-minded people and network with them. Let's face it--if someone is hopelessly enslaved to the media misinformation, they will have to come to their own realization of that fact. The old adage comes to mind: "A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." In short, you can't force people to wake up if they don't want to come out of their somnambulism...
More information coming....
This control of the population appears to be the ultimate goal of the 'powers-that-be'. They have been working at it incessantly, and it would appear that they have succeeded beyond their wildest imagination. I guess that you could call this the 'Nanny Society' because the majority of people do not question the ubiquity of government intervention in their lives. In short, we have been conditioned to uncritically accept 'government as parent' for us all, regardless of age. It can go without saying that we have been conditioned to think this way, because it wasn't always like this. People used to be much more independent in their lives. In addition to that, the population has been dumbed down so much that it is probably necessary that most of them have some sort of 'adult supervision' of their behavior. Many people have been stunted in their intellectual and spiritual development to the point where they are dangerous to others, as well as to themselves. This is no accident. It could be said that this would actually play into the hands of tyrants and their government vassals because it could be argued that 'government nannies' are necessary. But it would appear to me that it is in their interest to magnify and stimulate massive dysfunctionality in the population, thereby ensuring that a steady (or even growing) supply of 'government nannies' would be necessary. And from my observations and life experience, government power seems to always expand. I can't remember ever hearing any government bureaucrat attempt to reduce his power, influence, budget, or personnel. They are always working to expand their power, influence, budget and personnel.
What is even more alarming is the removal of true education from schooling. We are beginning to witness the results on society of removing critical thinking and reasoning skills from the education of our children. Now, shallow euphemisms and meaningless platitudes pass for intelligent reasoning and critical analysis. Most people today parrot whatever they hear on television and think that they are well-informed on current events. Nothing could be further from the truth! It is a dire situation because we are rapidly approaching the point where society will not be able to be sustained with any type of continuity. The backbone of America has been destroyed, and that is the moral content of the country. Once this has been destroyed, the rest of the decline of this country is already a fait accompli, except for the actual announcement of the event. I'm not sure if it would ever be announced though. It will merely result in a permanently reduced standard of living for Americans, as has been orchestrated in every other country around the world. The entire world has now been converted into a feudal slave camp.
Another testament to the ineffectiveness of the voting process and/or the wishes of the people allegedly 'represented' by the government is the fact that Bush has announced that he is escalating the troop levels in Iraq despite the fact that: 1) the people of America do not want more war in Iraq, and actually want US troop out of there; and 2) the results of the latest election in which the Republicans lost a multitude of seats in Congress due to their displeasure with Bush, demonstrates that the government does not represent the People. The worst part of the situation is that people will continue to support this political process even though the sentiments of the People do not have any influence on US policy, domestic or foreign. But as long as people continue to follow along like lemmings, nothing will change.
The first step towards changing this is for you to wake up and get a grip on reality. Question everything and use your mind for critical analysis.
The second step is for you to find like-minded people and network with them. Let's face it--if someone is hopelessly enslaved to the media misinformation, they will have to come to their own realization of that fact. The old adage comes to mind: "A person convinced against his will is of the same opinion still." In short, you can't force people to wake up if they don't want to come out of their somnambulism...
More information coming....
Monday, January 08, 2007
Why would our leaders sell us out?
I'm sure that many people who are 'normal' find it extremely hard to believe that 'our government would never turn on its own people'. The simple truth of the matter is that not only would they 'turn' on us, but that they aren't even 'our' government! This simple fact explains a lot of the observations that we make in regards to this country and its operation.
First of all, anyone who has any experience with the court system can readily tell you that it's NOT 'our' court system! Just try to figure out what happens when you get into court, especially traffic court. It's the equivalent of a kangaroo court, a sham that's made to appear fair. But in reality, it's only there to separate you from your Federal Reserve Notes. You would know that 'innocent before proven guilty' is something that you only see them talk about on Law and Order, but that it's only some propaganda designed to keep you complacent. And don't bother asking them to actually explain to you how they're operating and what jurisdiction they're working from. All you'll get is a lot of nothing...
Take a look at how 'our' elected officials behave. Now I know that nobody's perfect, but how in the hell can we look at the difference between the country in 1950 and the condition in which we find ourselves and not be totally pissed? Before, we were the world leader in most categories: manufacturing, per capita income, biggest creditor nation, a powerful, GROWING economy with little inflation, wholesome food and entertainment, etc. But today, we have lost the vast majority of our manufacturing base, per capita income shrinking (in real terms, not the government propaganda that passes for statistics), biggest debtor nation, weak, diminishing economy, declining quality of food (witness junk food), etc. We used to have some sense of morals, but today, there is no sense of morals and anything goes. We are seeing the decimation of industries in which we used to have no competition.
The earnings of most people (especially working class people) are being rapidly reduced, if not eradicated through the export of jobs to places that pay slave wages. But the even worse part of that situation is that OUR wages are being reduced to slave wages as well. If you can extrapolate to the end of this ride, it would appear that the plan is to reduce the wages of EVERYBODY to slave labor wages. Unfortunately, the majority of the people in America have been dumbed down in order to make it possible to perform this controlled destruction of this country. I just saw an article that demonstrates that the average American watches almost 5 hours of television (aka. idiot box) every day. Wonder how or why the alleged leaders of this country can get away with just about anything?
Think about the level of mind of the majority of television programming. I'd have to say that most of it is around a 5th grade maturity level. Most people get headaches and have tantrums if you dare to attempt to even suggest that they make any meaningful use of their minds. And this includes many people with graduate degrees! I must say that this is definitely a demonstration of the principle that actions have consequences. The less thinking you do (this goes for entire nations as well), the less thinking that you can do. If you don't use it, you lose it. Most people in America have been acculturated to avoid thinking and reasoning. It's just so much easier to follow the crowd and accept the facts given to you by the experts on TV.
With all that said, as I've said before, this is not happening by accident. The faction that controls the country have specifically engineered the results that we are observing. It is not a coincidence. The leaders behind the scenes have spent billions on developing a system for manipulating and controlling the perception of the people. It is an integrated plan that has been in operation for at least 50-60 years, and is now to the point where it is a precise science.
Most Americans have been inundated with propaganda and garbage that they still view America as basically the same country that it was in the 1970's. This is not fact because as we discussed above, many things have changed in this country, and not much has changed for the better. Even though the perception is flawed, it is difficult to express these facts to the victims because they are complacent, lazy, and full of inertia that keeps them from questioning things. Critical thinking and analysis appears to have gone the way of the Dodo bird. I think that some of the things I've been saying here provide a great prelude to an article that I found that encapsulates most of the concepts that I've put forth right here. I don't like the direction in which this country is being guided. I believe that I've seen polls that show that most people in America feel the same way. Most people feel powerless to change things, mainly because they are victims of mental programming, disseminated mainly through the television, but is also passed by most of the major institutions in society. It is an integrated plan that works synergistically. The whole is a lot more powerful than the parts.
I've just delineated some of the problem to you. Now, in the interests of fairness and relevancy, I will discuss some of the solutions. First, you need to start watching less television. I'm not saying that you should go 'cold turkey', but it probably wouldn't hurt you if you did. Addictions are not easy to break, but it can be done. I have members of my own family that lose their tempers if you try to turn off the television, so I know that it can be tough.
If you can't handle turning off that idiot box, then at least exercise some thought effort when you watch. Don't just accept the presumptions and conclusions that are being induced and given to you. Question things, do your own research, and try to see things with a 'big picture' perspective. Get the other side of the story whenever you can. One of the most powerful elements in social conditioning is the way that television is used to set conceptual boundaries for thought. Don't underestimate the power of this. It is analogous to the shepard putting the fence around the sheep. If you can control where the sheep go, you can exercise total control over them. The same thing is done to humans in society. Very few people dare to hop over their given fences. Just because we've done something for years does not mean that it's the best way to do it. Try to think in new ways. Be open to new possibilities and perspectives on things. Stagnant water gets putrid and septic. You don't want a putrid, septic mind!
Also, you might want to get more active. Voting is ok, but is highly overrated as a way to change the political and social dynamics. Voting is NOT activism! Nobody ever voted his way to freedom! Learn about law, business, anything that can have some sort of social impact. Question authority. Who are these people who purport to represent 'the People', and from where do they get their alleged authority to impinge upon your freedom, especially when you haven't harmed another person with your actions? Spread the word about freedom and questions that you may have that aren't being adequately answered by the 'talking heads' and other media sources. Don't just 'go along to get along', because that is what has brought this country to this critical point in history.
Those were just a few suggestions. Also, be sure to spread the word, and find like-minded people to keep you upbeat and in the realm of 'possibility thinking'. We can improve things, but we can't do it alone. It's going to require people to work together while also maintaining their independence of thought and action. We don't have to agree on everything, but we can agree to work towards the freedom of everybody because if we don't, we'll all end up victims of those who value their own wealth and power accumulation more than they value us and our freedom. I hope that you can see that the present state of affairs in this country is unsustainable. Something's going to have to give. Don't let it be your freedom and the freedom of your offspring.
First of all, anyone who has any experience with the court system can readily tell you that it's NOT 'our' court system! Just try to figure out what happens when you get into court, especially traffic court. It's the equivalent of a kangaroo court, a sham that's made to appear fair. But in reality, it's only there to separate you from your Federal Reserve Notes. You would know that 'innocent before proven guilty' is something that you only see them talk about on Law and Order, but that it's only some propaganda designed to keep you complacent. And don't bother asking them to actually explain to you how they're operating and what jurisdiction they're working from. All you'll get is a lot of nothing...
Take a look at how 'our' elected officials behave. Now I know that nobody's perfect, but how in the hell can we look at the difference between the country in 1950 and the condition in which we find ourselves and not be totally pissed? Before, we were the world leader in most categories: manufacturing, per capita income, biggest creditor nation, a powerful, GROWING economy with little inflation, wholesome food and entertainment, etc. But today, we have lost the vast majority of our manufacturing base, per capita income shrinking (in real terms, not the government propaganda that passes for statistics), biggest debtor nation, weak, diminishing economy, declining quality of food (witness junk food), etc. We used to have some sense of morals, but today, there is no sense of morals and anything goes. We are seeing the decimation of industries in which we used to have no competition.
The earnings of most people (especially working class people) are being rapidly reduced, if not eradicated through the export of jobs to places that pay slave wages. But the even worse part of that situation is that OUR wages are being reduced to slave wages as well. If you can extrapolate to the end of this ride, it would appear that the plan is to reduce the wages of EVERYBODY to slave labor wages. Unfortunately, the majority of the people in America have been dumbed down in order to make it possible to perform this controlled destruction of this country. I just saw an article that demonstrates that the average American watches almost 5 hours of television (aka. idiot box) every day. Wonder how or why the alleged leaders of this country can get away with just about anything?
Think about the level of mind of the majority of television programming. I'd have to say that most of it is around a 5th grade maturity level. Most people get headaches and have tantrums if you dare to attempt to even suggest that they make any meaningful use of their minds. And this includes many people with graduate degrees! I must say that this is definitely a demonstration of the principle that actions have consequences. The less thinking you do (this goes for entire nations as well), the less thinking that you can do. If you don't use it, you lose it. Most people in America have been acculturated to avoid thinking and reasoning. It's just so much easier to follow the crowd and accept the facts given to you by the experts on TV.
With all that said, as I've said before, this is not happening by accident. The faction that controls the country have specifically engineered the results that we are observing. It is not a coincidence. The leaders behind the scenes have spent billions on developing a system for manipulating and controlling the perception of the people. It is an integrated plan that has been in operation for at least 50-60 years, and is now to the point where it is a precise science.
Most Americans have been inundated with propaganda and garbage that they still view America as basically the same country that it was in the 1970's. This is not fact because as we discussed above, many things have changed in this country, and not much has changed for the better. Even though the perception is flawed, it is difficult to express these facts to the victims because they are complacent, lazy, and full of inertia that keeps them from questioning things. Critical thinking and analysis appears to have gone the way of the Dodo bird. I think that some of the things I've been saying here provide a great prelude to an article that I found that encapsulates most of the concepts that I've put forth right here. I don't like the direction in which this country is being guided. I believe that I've seen polls that show that most people in America feel the same way. Most people feel powerless to change things, mainly because they are victims of mental programming, disseminated mainly through the television, but is also passed by most of the major institutions in society. It is an integrated plan that works synergistically. The whole is a lot more powerful than the parts.
I've just delineated some of the problem to you. Now, in the interests of fairness and relevancy, I will discuss some of the solutions. First, you need to start watching less television. I'm not saying that you should go 'cold turkey', but it probably wouldn't hurt you if you did. Addictions are not easy to break, but it can be done. I have members of my own family that lose their tempers if you try to turn off the television, so I know that it can be tough.
If you can't handle turning off that idiot box, then at least exercise some thought effort when you watch. Don't just accept the presumptions and conclusions that are being induced and given to you. Question things, do your own research, and try to see things with a 'big picture' perspective. Get the other side of the story whenever you can. One of the most powerful elements in social conditioning is the way that television is used to set conceptual boundaries for thought. Don't underestimate the power of this. It is analogous to the shepard putting the fence around the sheep. If you can control where the sheep go, you can exercise total control over them. The same thing is done to humans in society. Very few people dare to hop over their given fences. Just because we've done something for years does not mean that it's the best way to do it. Try to think in new ways. Be open to new possibilities and perspectives on things. Stagnant water gets putrid and septic. You don't want a putrid, septic mind!
Also, you might want to get more active. Voting is ok, but is highly overrated as a way to change the political and social dynamics. Voting is NOT activism! Nobody ever voted his way to freedom! Learn about law, business, anything that can have some sort of social impact. Question authority. Who are these people who purport to represent 'the People', and from where do they get their alleged authority to impinge upon your freedom, especially when you haven't harmed another person with your actions? Spread the word about freedom and questions that you may have that aren't being adequately answered by the 'talking heads' and other media sources. Don't just 'go along to get along', because that is what has brought this country to this critical point in history.
Those were just a few suggestions. Also, be sure to spread the word, and find like-minded people to keep you upbeat and in the realm of 'possibility thinking'. We can improve things, but we can't do it alone. It's going to require people to work together while also maintaining their independence of thought and action. We don't have to agree on everything, but we can agree to work towards the freedom of everybody because if we don't, we'll all end up victims of those who value their own wealth and power accumulation more than they value us and our freedom. I hope that you can see that the present state of affairs in this country is unsustainable. Something's going to have to give. Don't let it be your freedom and the freedom of your offspring.
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