Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Great Thanksgiving Hoax

I found an article that describes the truth behind the legend of Thanksgiving Day. It seems that we have been conditioned to believe that it was one way, but now, you can get the real story. No complex dissertations or information that will have your brain twisting up like a pretzel (this time)... I just thought it was an interesting article with some good information. I think that today's society needs to incorporate the moral of this story into everyday life and governance.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Another Rigged Election

Well, there were some changes of faces in the Congress and in some local elections, but I'm just wondering about how substantive these alleged 'changes' have been. Consider the fact that Democrats and Republicans have essentially hijacked the entire political apparatus here in the United States. Virtually all of the candidates are members of these two parties. Did you ever hear of the strategy called 'Good Cop-Bad Cop'?

For those of you who aren't familiar with this, it works like this. The cops catch the suspect and arrest him (usually in isolation away from anybody who might be able to assist him in defending his rights, i.e., a lawyer/advocate/counselor), and then they bring him in for questioning. One cop (the Bad Cop) acts like a steroid-crazed, psychotic, violent, never-saw-a-rule-I-wouldn't-break Dirty Harry who is just itching to inflict some serious Guantanamo Bay questioning tactics on the suspect. After a few moments of outbursts and some slapping around, the other cop (the Good Cop) rushes to restrain the Bad Cop and whisk him away to another room. Then the Good Cop comes back and tells the suspect that he doesn't support the actions of the Bad Cop, and he then goes on to implore the suspect to come clean so that he doesn't have to let the Bad Cop come back to conduct some more of the 'interrogation'. Out of sheer fear, the suspect usually confesses or tells the Good Cop whatever he wants to know. Unbeknownst to the suspect, the Good Cop and Bad Cop are actually on the same team, and the Bad Cop is just acting in concert with the Good Cop to break down the suspect's resistance to the interrogation.

The point is that the Republicans and Democrats work together to control this country! Don't be fooled into believing that the Democrats and Republicans are anything other than partners-in-crime who are working together in lockstep. The alleged party conflict and competition between them are nothing more than fairy tales, urban legend, trumped-up puffery, a folktale embedded in our propaganda-conditioned minds so that we will accept their absolute control of the political process without question. Think about it. What other party has had any substantial control over anything in this country besides these two political parties? So when you think about the deteriorating conditions that we have faced in this country, consider the fact that these two parties have had total control of the entire political and governmental apparatus for the last 100 years.

The old saying is that in politics, nothing happens by accident, and that if you observe an occurrence in politics, you can readily discern that it was planned to happen that way. I guess that all I'm trying to say is that if there is no real choice in elections, what is the value of voting? This question indicates that regardless of the rigged electronic voting machines, gerrymandering, inaccurate vote-counting, manipulated vote counts, discrepancies of voting results with exit polls, etc., how can the voting process be held to be honest and fair if virtually all of the candidates are preselected by the 'powers-that-be'? It would seem that the power of the vote is held by those who can determine what the choices are before there is even a vote to be considered. If the mob ran the only 2 candidates for a vacant position, could the result be characterized as anything other than a fixed election? This isn't astrophysics.

I found an article that goes into some depth about this very subject. Sometimes, I have a difficult time putting all my thoughts in discussions about voting, probably due to emotion. Voting is a very emotional subject with most people. It is most people's only direct involvement in the political process, even though the system cannot operate with integrity if people don't get more involved in the political process. Voting is just a small portion of the political system, and the only people that can police and monitor the government is 'We the People'. The corruption that we see embedded in government is a direct result of the minuscule levels of participation in the process by the People. When the dog's away, the cat will play, and when the people abdicate their responsibility and delegate their power to 'elected' officials, mass corruption is the highly predictable result. I'm not sure if there is any better system of government in existence on the planet, but just because one flawed system is 'the best' doesn't mean that there isn't any room for improvement. I remember a saying that tells that the room for improvement is the biggest room of all.

The situation seems to be that only the rich are truly represented by government since the election process selects for only those who have access to vast amounts of money. The greatest sources of money in this society is the Corporation. This is why we have so many corporate backers of election candidates. They finance them, and the golden rule is that 'he who has the gold makes the rules', meaning that the richest of the rich usually maintain (and work to expand) their power. The preceding article may seem to be incredible, but I can't think of any organization (or any group of organizations) that can even slightly approximate the wealth, power and knowledge of the Vatican. In my experience, truth is stranger than fiction, which is why most never come close to understanding the truth. We've been socialized to believe anything other than the truth. This is why words and policies never explain or justify the conditions in society that we observe.

Just some of my observations. Feel free to chime in with your own take on this situation. I implore you to do your own research. I don't put anything out there as fact, but only as information taken from a different perspective from the one you are being spoon fed from your favorite mass media sources.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Radiation Treatment?

Just as I suspected, there is scientific evidence that radiation (of all forms) causes massive bone loss, even in small doses. I think that this is terrible, especially considering that radiation is one of the AMA-approved treatment modalities for cancer. I don't agree with this, as it just doesn't make sense to me that poisoning of the body is alleged to be a method to improve the health. If the procedure would make a healthy person sick, how in the world can this same 'treatment' be used to make a sick person healthy? If anybody has a logical explanation that can justify such fantasy, please impart this wisdom to me as soon as possible. But common sense (and a background in science) both tell me that this 'theory' is fallacious, at best.

It would make more sense to me to strengthen the immune system, detoxify the body, and work to improve the knowledge and understanding of the patient. The patient has to recognize that she has to take the initiative to become knowledgeable about their ailment. They also have to have faith in knowing that the cure is out there, and that all they have to do is exercise enough energy and interest to find it. If you need any help with something, drop me a note and I may be able to point you in the right direction.