Friday, January 20, 2006

Another Osama Fabrication

From what I know and can see, Osama is already dead. He was a sick man, on the run. There is already evidence that he died about 5 years ago. By keeping him around, he can be used by the Bush Administration as another 'boogeyman' to scare the unthinking American population into subservient compliance with their wishes.

Isn't it very suspicious how Bin Laden pops up every time that Bush and Company are on the hot seat for their various shennanigans? The timing is uncanny. It has been like clockwork. This is the way that propaganda operates. A big, concrete enemy is constructed for people to focus on, while the real enemies go uncontested in their efforts. Throughout history, countries are very seldom defeated from foreign enemies. They always, almost without fail, are destroyed by the enemy within, and observing what is happening in America today, the same thing is happening all over again.

But it doesn't matter because it is America's destiny to be the fascist reincarnation of Nazi Germany. I had to come to grips with that. Witness the endless gullibility of the American public. Americans are in a terminal stupor, a permanent coma with no possibility of awakening in time to do anything about matters. It is pitiful, but that is just the way it is. There will be great gnashing of teeth, pain and suffering. I want to be wrong, but the facts are the facts.

There are still some people in the country who are awake and perceptive, but they are few and far in between. I take my hat off to those people who are still conscious. They are a decided minority. True Patriots, when what it means to be a Patriot means that you defend freedom and justice with your life, if need be. A true Patriot doesn't just 'go along to get along', or take the easy road out. The easy road usually leads to Hell and Damnation. The other old saying is that 'the road to Hell is paved with good intentions'. Hitler always touted good things as justifications for his never-ending curtailment of freedoms for Germans. Bush does exactly the same thing. Well, at least we know where things are heading...

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