Tuesday, January 31, 2006

He broke the law

It's evident that Bush broke the law with the wiretapping without warrants or probable cause. The crazy part of the whole situation is that he admitted it in public, unabashedly! A public act of treason and the breaking of his oath of office, as specified in Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution that he swore to uphold. It would seem so far that the public is disgusted with this behavior and doesn't approve. To me, there should be a much higher percentage of people who are appalled by this acute illegality of government behavior. If they can get the American people to swallow this, outright tyranny and unabashed totalitarianism will be the result.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

JAIL4Judges-Help Stop Judicial Tyranny

I found an amazing article that shows how The People are always finding ways to fight Mammon. If you didn't know already, the judicial system is rife with corruption, graft, and illegality. Unfortunately, this is being conducted by big corporations, in collusion with government. This is mainly true because the government is basically the parent corporation of all the other corporations. If you doubt this, just be aware that most cities are classified, and even identify themselves as municipal corporations. In fact, since they took away all of the lawful money (known in the Constitution and the Coinage Act of 1792 as gold and silver coin), the courts no longer operate in common law, the jurisdiction in which the Constitution operates. We now have a hodge-podge of jurisdictions (such as admiralty-maritime, commercial, law merchant, administrative, etc.), specifically constructed on-the-fly by these legal tyrants in order to unlawfully confiscate our wealth and labor, and also to be able to control and regulate every facet of our existence. And that is the state of affairs today. Can you think of any arena in life that the government does not try to control, regulate or tax us?

JAIL for Judges is an attempt to fight this legalized tyranny that we are experiencing here in America today. You should check out their web site. People who have experienced the legal system in America don't need to be told of how corrupt and tyrannical it is. If you haven't experienced it, thank your lucky stars. But realize that it is only a matter of time before you do experience it. This is because lawmakers pass so many 'laws' that it is virtually impossible to conduct the normal daily affairs of life without being caught up in the web of 'laws' that have been specifically constructed to ensnare everyone in America. In short, you can't run, and you can't hide. If we don't fight now while we still have the odds on our side, it will be much tougher to fight when the black uniformed thugs are knocking at your door, coming to take you to a re-education center, or whatever euphemism they think of by the time they get to that stage. By then, it's too late. Read this information, and do your own research. Check out the links I have on the right hand side of this page. If you don't want to do it for yourself, then do it for your children and their children!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Is this the End of America?

From the looks of this article, it's not looking good for the United States. In addition, there appears to be a lot of action happening in the shadows, hidden from public view. Most of it looks like it's not good stuff. There is trouble brewing in the hills. The worst part of the picture seems to be that from all appearances, the United States government is alienating and isolating itself (along with Britain and Israel) from the rest of the world. It almost appears that the situation is similiar to what happened when WWII was began, with Germany, Italy and Japan being the fall guys for that hoax war. This time, USA, Britain and Israel are the fall guys. This is not a good situation. It just seems too uncanny and too engineered to be anything approaching a coincidence.

The article is good, and is definitely thought-provoking to people that are awake. There are a couple of great comments and what appears to be another article embedded in the comments section that follows the main article. All is not good with this country. Most people are going to be blindsided by whatever events transpire this year. I've heard opinions that 2006 is going to be a year from hell. It looks like the chickens are coming home to roost. As I've stated before, the vast majority of people in America are going to be looking very confused, disillusioned, let down, and stupid when the hidden treasonist activities of the government yield the fruits of these actions. None of it will be good. I'll let you connect the dots yourself.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Another Osama Fabrication

From what I know and can see, Osama is already dead. He was a sick man, on the run. There is already evidence that he died about 5 years ago. By keeping him around, he can be used by the Bush Administration as another 'boogeyman' to scare the unthinking American population into subservient compliance with their wishes.

Isn't it very suspicious how Bin Laden pops up every time that Bush and Company are on the hot seat for their various shennanigans? The timing is uncanny. It has been like clockwork. This is the way that propaganda operates. A big, concrete enemy is constructed for people to focus on, while the real enemies go uncontested in their efforts. Throughout history, countries are very seldom defeated from foreign enemies. They always, almost without fail, are destroyed by the enemy within, and observing what is happening in America today, the same thing is happening all over again.

But it doesn't matter because it is America's destiny to be the fascist reincarnation of Nazi Germany. I had to come to grips with that. Witness the endless gullibility of the American public. Americans are in a terminal stupor, a permanent coma with no possibility of awakening in time to do anything about matters. It is pitiful, but that is just the way it is. There will be great gnashing of teeth, pain and suffering. I want to be wrong, but the facts are the facts.

There are still some people in the country who are awake and perceptive, but they are few and far in between. I take my hat off to those people who are still conscious. They are a decided minority. True Patriots, when what it means to be a Patriot means that you defend freedom and justice with your life, if need be. A true Patriot doesn't just 'go along to get along', or take the easy road out. The easy road usually leads to Hell and Damnation. The other old saying is that 'the road to Hell is paved with good intentions'. Hitler always touted good things as justifications for his never-ending curtailment of freedoms for Germans. Bush does exactly the same thing. Well, at least we know where things are heading...

Recipe for a Police State

This article tells exactly how the 'Nazi Bush Regime' has been foisted upon us. The only way that a minority of people can subjugate a large population is by subterfuge, ignorance, and deception. We have all of these elements working today in America. People are so naive, so trusting of their 'public officials' that they find it impossible to believe that they could be working against the best interest of the country, and against the best interests of the people. But it is all true. The evidence is all around us, but we have been socially conditioned to see things with 'everything-is-okay' filtered glasses. So even though the truth is out there, our perception has been specifically manipulated so that we only see what we want to see, regardless of the facts. Like they always say, you can run, but you can't hide. The more you hide yourself from the truth, the worse the sucker punch you get down the line. Actions have consequences. The act of being complacent with worsening conditions only means that things will continue to deteriorate in this country.

I've been talking to people for years about this topic. Now, many can see what is happening. But they still do nothing. There is a lot of fear. It appears to me that this is just something that America is going to have to endure. Nobody wants to get off the 'slow boat to hell'. I just don't want to hear any complaints from those who were in deep denial when we reach the destination, because they volunteered for the trip...

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The New American Civil War

There is another article that expounds on the threat to the survival of America. This country is presently embroiled in a struggle for survival, regardless of what trivialities and pomp are paraded in front of the lethargic people who live in America. The image of America is one thing, but the reality has become something very different. This article is very important, and very sobering. Dr. Livergood is an excellent writer with some very insightful things to say. Americans need to listen to what he has to say. It appears that it is already too late to save America. Many people are going to be unpleasantly surprised with what happens to this country. But once again, if you didn't know already, you can say that you saw it here first...

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Big Brother Goes Global

This is a must-read article because it dispels any idea that the world's population is not seen to be anything other than slaves. It is incredible to me that anyone could go along with this, yet here we are, being watched and monitored constantly. It is totally insane to believe that anybody anywhere could have any freedom with surveillance systems being set up to track us like this. There is no excuse for this level of monitoring. It has nothing to do with alleged terrorism, but that is what is being used as a pretext for it.

It is obvious that people will not wake up to what is happening. That is obvious. The majority just sleeps through everything. But none of this is going to lead anything good. The 'terrorism' will increase, the economy will continue to waste away, and people will continue to wish for the 'good old days'. Sad, but true, due to a lethargic populace lulled to sleep by being entertained to exhaustion.

Feel free to start leaving comments to these posts! If you're scared to do it because of what government list you're going to end up on, you're already a self-regulated slave living in fear. Recognize that. I'm not trying to put anyone down, but that is the thought process of someone who has been mentally enslaved. If you don't comment, at least share this information with others. If we won't do that, we're already defeated. Think of the future of your children, or the well-being of future generations if you don't have any children.

Middle Class Woes

Yes, another article about the middle class and it's erosion. There seems to be a lot of platitudes and blame being placed upon today's family about how they are wasting money on frivolous things. But the facts seem to show that inflation and government plunder (count the corporations in here too, as government is also just another corporation, actually the parent corporation of all of the others) have increased fixed expenses of people a whoppng 73%! So when you feel that economic crunch, it's not you or your profligate spending, but it is your leaders and their cronies extracting your wealth and labor from you at an ever-increasing rate. It's not a pretty picture.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

History Behind Iran's Nuclear Program

It would appear that the US and Britain have assisted Iran with their nuclear program in the past. Now, they have done a 180 degree turnaround and now want to attack Iran. This article describes some of the history behind the involvement of the US and Britain in Iran's nuclear development program. There are some links in this article to substantiate the claims made in the article. It's always good to view other sources when doing your own research. The plan is to use Iran's nuclear program as a justification for attacking Iran. This information, not surprisingly, is not being covered by the mainstream media, especially in the US. Censorship is alive and well in the United States, contrary to popular opinion.


This article speaks on the differences between a democracy and a republic. It is a critical difference, as stark as the difference between night and day! We've been conditioned to think of the United States as a democracy, but it was actually founded as a democratic republic. In short, democracy is not the panacea for societal ills or the highest form of government. It actually leads to fascism, totalitarianism, and the decay of any society that embraces it. Are we not seeing these effects today? Be honest with yourself and witness the decline in America, and you will have no doubt that it all stems from the change from a republic to a democracy. THINK!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Dollar Imperialism

This article is a great resource for those who want to understand how modern imperialism is conducted. Sending in the army is an old way to conduct imperialism and colonialism. Even when they do it today, as evidenced in Iraq, they do it with propaganda and good-sounding reasons and justifications for it. Notice how all of the excuses used to attack Iraq have proven to be totally false and specious (i.e., weapons of mass destruction, unseating Hussein, saving the Iraqi people, etc.). Neocolonialism is conducted by economic means. This article, as most of the ones written by Dr. Norman Livergood, is a must-read. Once again, prepare to have your mind expanded if you weren't aware of these facts.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

American Gestapo?

Once again, it isn't just me. This author is an accomplished author and academic. The simple matter of fact is that this presidential administration is very fascist and power-hungry. They are definitely hell-bent on destroying whatever is left of the Constitution, while the people just sit around and wait for the boom to drop. Unfortunately, they aren't dropping the boom. They are lowering is slowly on top of us, until we are crushed by its massive weight. But by then, it's going to be way too late to escape.