Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Bush has lost it...
Bizarre, paranoid, delusions of grandeur, hatred and disdain for the 'common man', etc., are all trademarks of the fearless 'Commander-in-Chief'. This article explores these findings and their ramifications. It's not a good thing when the president feels this way, and has the audacity to put it out there. We are viewed as pawns in a game of world domination, control and power. Most people remain this because they are conditioned to believe things that have no basis in reality. When the truth is given to them, it appears to be absurd, but only because it is very different from the 'reality' that has been installed/downloaded into their brains. But it appears that the squeeze on Americans is forcing them to confront the bitter reality that the government and corporations are 100% corrupt. Actually, they are one in the same. Do your research and find out for yourself. The truth is out there, if you are willing to step outside of your mental comfort zone...
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
America's Storm Troopers Strike in Utah
It appears that the American Storm Troopers, also known as cops, have stormed onto someone's private property just because they felt that they could. The party was a rave, and although they had no 4th Amendment warrant to search the property or the people there, the American Gestapo went ahead and broke up the party. Legally, the cops can't trespass on private property, and their codes, rules and regulations don't apply on private property. But since when has the police ever followed the law when it was to their detriment? People, it's time that we learn about the law and start to stop America's slide into tyranny. If 'we the people' don't do it, it's not going to get done. It's evident that those who rule America are working to run the tyranny being created here. There is not going to be any middle-ground. Learn about the truth, and fight for your kids and their kids, because they will be inheriting whatever we leave them with. It isn't looking good right about now. Time is short...
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Even more evidence of hanky-panky in the Bush Administration
Another blockbuster revelation has been made in reference to the 9-11 attacks. More experts have blown even more holes in the Swiss-cheese-esque "official 9-11 story". The article is said to come from high ranking Army officers and other subject-matter experts. The bottom line is that the official story is the only one deserving of the term conspiracy theory because it is so far-fetched as to be totally absurd. From the hijackers with boxcutters to the pristine passports found near the WTC to the shutdown of the NORAD automatic response to the disinterest in catching the alleged perp (Osama), it all just reeks to high heaven. I believe that the majority of Americans don't believe the official trash story, but don't realize how many people are angry with Bush & Company because of the mass media blackout of anything that doesn't support the tyrants. Do your due diligence, as we're not asking you to believe anything we say. We just ask you to do some of your own research, and then make up your own mind.
Bush Administration,
WTC attacks
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Crookedness abounds...
It appears that the corruption in the Bush Administration, and is beginning to catch up with them. The lowdown is right here from that journalistic bulldog, Sherman Skolnick. But unfortunately, it's looking like the bad guys have the Illinois courts all locked up. The deal is that a runaway grand jury (i.e., a grand jury that decided to investigate whatever they wanted to investigate started investigating the Bush Administration) and after they learned about the lies and corruption inside, they decided to indict Bush and Cheney. Check it out for yourself, as it gets extremely ugly...
Bush Administration,
grand jury,
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
They allowed it to happen!
This is more proof that the 911 attacks were an inside job! It's not surprising though. I had already figured out that there was no way that it was NOT an inside job. The mighty US defense apparatus is too sophisticated, too good, too professional, too big to have been manipulated by simple people half way around the world. The bottom line is that the NORAD system was deliberately turned off by flag rank officers and/or people in the Executive administration. That's the only way that fighters were not scrambled within 10 minutes of going off of their FAA-approved courses. It's the only way. Osama/"your-favorite-patsy-goes-here" does not have any authority to give orders to NORAD or to US fighter squadrons. That's a fact. Think about it...
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Another article about bereaved mom
Another journalist sets the record straight on the Cindy Sheehan story. Arianna Huffington tells it like it is, and holds the fire to the feet of the Neocons and the other establishment shills out there, as well as the mainstream media. The bottom line appears to be that as the mainstream media (MSM) attempts to attack Ms. Sheehan, they only expose themselves as the true jerks. It's bad when they have to resort to attacking a bereaved mother of a war vet. This type of actions shows me what these people are all about (assuming that I didn't know already).
Saturday, August 13, 2005
A Daring Woman
Cindy Sheehan dared to confront the 'mighty' GW Bush over the Iraq war. She's only asked one simple question: "What noble cause did my son die for?" What has she met with? Silence from Mr. Bush, as he basically has no answer, showing that the war is a blatant waste of time, money and the lives of the people who all die there. Maybe somebody believed the government propaganda, but I never did. The more that time passes, the more that I know that the Iraq war is a total sham. The truth is out there. You just have to find it...
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Now, They want to control the Internet!
Of course, they have to shut down all the uncontrolled websites that tell the truth about things. It is becoming evident to most people that the mainstream media (MSM) is full of it. So more and more people are turning to 'alternative sources' for their news. This includes the Internet, which is freedom of speech at its finest. But this does not sit well with the oligarchs, so they're now starting to try to control and censor the Internet. They've already started sounding the horns. Hopefully, people will stand up for freedom of speech and not allow this to take place. If you haven't already figured it out, it's time to fight for your rights while you still have a probable chance of preserving them. Do NOT wait until the police state has been finalized because your odds of survival are low by the time the troops are knocking at your door asking you to report to the transports, or to take you in for 'questioning'...
mainstream media,
police state
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
More 911 Information
This is another good article dealing with the anomalies in reference to the 911 WTC attacks. It's another well-put together article. There is NO WAY that the 'official story' that we have been given by the mass media and the government can be true. It is just too ludicrous, too ridiculous, too speculative. There are way too many inconsistencies and logical jumps that have to be made to support it. It is actually an indication of the lack of reasoning power inherent in the American population. I put forth a lot of effort and thinking about the WTC attacks, and there's really no way that anybody half way across the ocean could have orchestrated such an intricate attack on the world's most developed military power. There is no way that there was no inside help, at the least. It is probable that the entire thing was an inside job. There is no other logical explanation.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
More information from Skolnick
Another installment of the Overthrow of the American Republic. This is excellent, as usual. Skolnick is one of the best journalists that I've seen. He always has great hidden information. He digs for the dirt on the public officials, and is not afraid of them. In fact, he is personally responsible for getting about 40 or more corrupt judges off of the bench. I would heartily recommend anything that he writes. He was one of the first reporters to call out GW Bush and his corrupt regime. I also recommend that you spread as much information to your friends and acquaintances as you can. The only thing that will save us is us!
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
The Suppressed Footage From WWII
If they have suppressed the atrocities of nuclear bombs over 50 years ago, then can you imagine what heinous crimes and unspeakable acts they are hiding in Iraq and Afghanistan? The facts show that atomic warheads are some of the most barbaric weapons that have ever been used in warfare, and in history. The U.S. government chose to suppress, classify and hide these facts from the American public. Do you think that they are any more forthcoming with their evil deeds today? They basically act to hide their dirt from us and the world. There is always some reasonable sounding excuse for them to do this, but it is all just an excuse for them to wield their power for their own personal aggrandizement. I've been hearing about their atrocities in the Middle East, but don't expect to hear about the truth of the matter for another 40+ years. History only repeats itself because nobody wants to wake up and ask the tough questions. If you don't know the past, you're doomed to repeat the errors of yesteryear...
Middle East,
nuclear bombs,
war crimes,
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